Tuesday, October 15, 2019

To know and flow

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

“So give for alms those things that are within; and see, everything will be clean for you."    (Luke 11:41)

To know and flow

How many gifts remain ungiven because we hesitate? How many gracious words of blessing and thanks remain unspoken, hidden in our hearts because we did not take that next step to act or speak what our hearts knew and felt within?

The Spirit moves the heart, urging us beyond ourselves to turn holy intentions into gracious realities that we might move with the Spirit.

Our joy and purpose is to know and flow with the current of God’s love. The Love who is God’s Spirit within us awakens desires to bless and give, to care and encourage, to make our corner of the world more gracious, humane and beautiful.

The Spirit gives birth to such blessed newness in our hearts, eager for us to give what we have been given, to speak the blessing and joy that others need, to share the gifts that will relieve a burden and lift a heart.

Do not wait. Do not tell yourself that there will be time later. Do not let the pace of life drown out the Spirit’s voice, distracting you from the holy purpose and impulses the Spirit stirs in your heart.

Those stirrings are a gift, a reminder that the Holy One loves you and loves for you to be an expression of divine warmth in a world where so many feel the cold ache of loneliness.

The time is now. Today is the day of salvation. The Spirit stirs your heart. The Holy One waits with eager expectation for your response … that the Love beyond all naming may be known … through you.

Pr. David L. Miller

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