Saturday, Matthew 25:6-10
But at midnight there was a shout, “Look! Here
is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.” Then all those bridesmaids got
up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish said to the wise, “Give us some of your
oil, for our lamps are going out.” But the wise replied, “No! there will
not be enough for you and for us; you had better go to the dealers and buy some
for yourselves.” And while they went to buy it, the bridegroom came, and
those who were ready went with him into the wedding banquet; and the door was
Heart light
Pink morning light illumines ripples on the stream as
my boots thump on bridge boards above.
The shallow stream splits here. Side currents hurry around
rocks, leaving a quiet pool in the middle where mallards will settle in when rays
of the wan autumn sun warm the waters.
An oak leaf glides in the current inches below the surface,
resting in the pool as bare November trees reflect black in the steel blue stream.
The morning scene tinged gold and blush now as sunlight paints the far horizon,
southeast now that winter is soon to come.
Sunrise is minutes away, and this painted moment will disappear
in daylight. But not yet.
I am here, boots on the bridge, loving and knowing the
love of the Love Beyond who paints moments with morning light.
I have this moment, and the Love who fills it … and
me, grateful that I have enough heart to know the Heart who is eager to meet me
in every moment.
For every moment
bears opportunities, blessings and challenges. But only those whose hearts are
ready receive the blessing each brings enters the joy of truly living. Only
those whose who nurture the flame of love in their hearts are
awake to the moments so kissed with the Love Who Is Beyond all telling. Their
hearts know and shine with the healing light of love.
Keep your heart-light burning.
David L. Miller