Many who grieve speak to the one who has left them. They do
so years, even decades later.
It has been 10 years since my father died, and I still
sometimes speak to him. Usually, I thank him for something he did, for the
person he was, part of which continues to live in me.
He is as real to me as the clutter on my desk that I promise
to clean some day but probably never will. I quickly get distracted by what I
find any time I try to make order of the mess.
Sometimes I speak to him with understanding, finally
comprehending what life was like for him. I empathize with his struggles and
talk to him as a companion on this crazy journey of life that, on days like
this, I love so dearly. He taught me that love.
Watching him taught me to love my struggles because it is in
the midst of them that you find yourself … and God. In the midst of the mess
you discover your soul. You discover you are deeper, more mysterious … and
beautiful … than you’d imagined.
“You never know what will happen.” I have recollection of Dad saying that
sometimes. Maybe he didn’t say it much or even once, but somehow I remember it.
Maybe it is just what I feel when I look at his life … and mine. “You just
never know. Life surprises.”
So open your heart and embrace what comes as from God; it
will bless and challenge you in ways you have not imagined. This is the
attitude of faith in the face of life … and death.
Don’t think you have it all figured out. Don’t imagine you
have really understood much that has or will or might happen. Don’t even think that
the dead are dead and can’t speak to you. They do.
God is. And all who have lived live now in him in ways we
can’t imagine. The universe is more mysterious, more
confusing, more interconnected and more surprising than you think … because God
is God of the living.
So live this day and love everything and everyone that
comes. You just never know what might
Pr. David L. Miller