[T]he same Lord is Lord of all and is generous
to all who call on him. For, ‘Everyone who calls on the name of the
Lord shall be saved.’
There is no one God
refuses to hear. No one is too broken, too lost, too confused, too doubting,
too non-Christian or too anything to
be unwelcome in the circle of God’s grace. No sin is so great, no life so
wayward and no opinion or understanding of life and God so wrong-headed that the
Loving Mystery turns away.
The Holy One longs to
live in intimate, heart-to-heart oneness with you. God is waiting, eager to
hear your voice calling out to be heard.
It is only our arrogance,
resistance and failure to pray that prevents us from entering and abiding in loving
union with God
So turn from the assumption
that you can or should be able to navigate your life without God’s help. Take the
risk of trusting that you are loved beyond measure by the ever-generous Source
of your existence.
Call out to God with
whatever is in you. Seek blessing when you are hurting, lost and alone. Cry out
for forgiveness when you know you are wrong and for deliverance when you are threatened
and trapped. In moments of joy, exclaim your gratitude to One who longs for you
to share your heart.
Don’t let pride or doubt
stop you. The invitation is for everyone and most certainly for you.
Pr. David L. Miller