Today’s text
Luke 13:34-35
The tenderness and longing in Jesus words cannot be
He imagines the city, its peoples and places, the broken
bodies of those in need, and the lostness of those seeking a sign that God is
near and has not forgotten.
He sees those who care nothing for knowledge of God yet
wonder about the inner gnawing they cannot name.
He imagines the hungry and those burdened by poverty and the
oppression of Roman occupation. He sees people who need leaders who will lift
their spirits with God’s loving presence. He imagines the rulers and bureaucrats
who care less about justice than about keeping Rome happy and protecting their privilege and
Jesus sees their struggle for bread and their hunger for
Spirit. They live aimlessly for want of the Love who comes and fills them; so
that they feel their dignity and live truly human lives of grace, beauty and
holy purpose.
He sees … and is moved. His words bear the fullness of God’s
holy heart.
“If only … . If only you would come to me. If only you would
taste the wonder that is in me. If only you would once be filled with the substance
of Spirit I would awaken and pour into you.
“If only you knew me, you would know your dignity, your
beauty and the purpose of God in you. If you knew me, no suffering or
oppression would steal your dignity, your strength, your beauty or your hope.”
Jesus sees … and longs … for us.
But it is our longing for wholeness and peace, for grace and
holy purpose that moves us to cry our, “Blessed is the one who comes in the
name of the Lord.”
Longing for life, we open our hearts and allow ourselves to
be drawn into the heart of Jesus. In him, we feel the holy longing of God for
each of us, a yearning echoed in our longing for that Love that is so hungry to
come and complete us.
Blessed is he who comes … .
Pr. David L. Miller