Today's text
Isaiah 7:14
“The Lord God will give you a sign in any case: It is this: the young woman is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel.”
Isaiah 7:14
“The Lord God will give you a sign in any case: It is this: the young woman is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel.”
O Emmanuel, king and lawgiver, desire of the nations, Savior of all people, come and set us free, Lord our God.
Come, Emmanuel; reveal your blessed nearness.
As an ordinary infant you came to us, in
your flesh bearing blest unity with divine wonder.
Moment to moment, soul-to-soul, you dwelt in undivided union with
that Love we cannot imagine.
Who can know the immensity of the divine heart,
the Loving Mystery who is
Immeasurable Mercy,
the Infinitely Transcendent Wonder who
casts the burning nebulae into the cold darkness of space,
the Far Near One who holds
all time--and us,
as a mother caresses her child’s tender nearness?
The Mystery all the world cannot contain, dwells
even in your infant flesh.
You, Emmanuel, you knew this One always,
in hidden depths of intimate communion.
You were and are eternally one with the One for
whom no name will do.
We look into your face and gaze into the depths of
the Eternal Wonder.
As an ordinary infant you came to us, in
your flesh bearing blest unity with divine wonder.
Moment to moment, soul-to-soul, you dwelt in undivided union with
that Love we cannot imagine.
Who can know the immensity of the divine heart,
the Loving Mystery who is
Immeasurable Mercy,
the Infinitely Transcendent Wonder who
casts the burning nebulae into the cold darkness of space,
the Far Near One who holds
all time--and us,
as a mother caresses her child’s tender nearness?
The Mystery all the world cannot contain, dwells
even in your infant flesh.
You, Emmanuel, you knew this One always,
in hidden depths of intimate communion.
You were and are eternally one with the One for
whom no name will do.
We look into your face and gaze into the depths of
the Eternal Wonder.
So come, Emmanuel. Come and stay near us.
We have no words to name what you bear.
We know only that we die without your nearness.
So come, and never leave us.
Pr. David L. Miller