Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

Today’s text

John 7:37-38

On the last day, the great day of the festival, Jesus stood and cried out: 'Let anyone who is thirsty come to me! Let anyone who believes in me come and drink! Let anyone who believes in me come and drink! As scripture says, "From his heart shall flow streams of living water." '


I see you there, Jesus. You stand in the midst of the people, crying out your heart. More: I feel you there. I sense your desire, “Let them come and drink.”

But only the thirsty, of course. And that excludes … no one. Certainly not me.

We all thirst. We are made for more, more than we know or possess, more love, more grace, more peace and purpose, more of your blessed presence.

Our thirst is the mark of having been created in your image. And I know something of your image as I watch you at the festival, crying aloud, inviting the thirsty to come, believe and drink in the secret substance of your life.

You fill our souls with all that you are, slaking our ancient thirst, satisfying our desire. And we become flowing springs of your goodness and grace, giving our lives in gentle acts of generosity.

You never cease to keep this promise, Jesus. It is your heart’s desire. So let us believe you and go our ways in peace. For we know: You will give living water to our parched souls in the heat of this and every day.

Pr. David L. Miller

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