Luke 9:28-31
about eight days after these sayings Jesus took
with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed,
and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah,
talking to him. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his
departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.
Seeing you
Every moment we stand in the presence of the
holy. This earth, our breath, the morning sky with its promise of a new day …
these do not create themselves. There was a time when they were not. Nor do
they just appear … from nowhere.
They appear from Creative Source, from the Unimaginable
Wonder for whom no name will do.
Every day I stand in awe before you, Holy One.
I make no attempt to describe the immensity of your heart, the reach of your power
or the wisdom of your plan. There are days I do not even want to speak of you.
It is better to know your presence than to stand back and describe it.
I know nothing of you really. Only this: I know
and feel you near even as I stumble among these keys, and I know that I love
I know that the glory that shines in Jesus is
the Love you are, Love that brings Life from nothingness, Love that fills and
lifts human beings into the full beauty you intend.
And I know that that every beauty, grace and
wonder shines with you, every breath of life and each new morning, too.
Jesus’ disciples witnessed your glory shining
in him and were afraid. They did not yet understand. Seeing him gives eyes to
see you, the glory of Love, in all that is.
Pr. David
L. Miller