‘Or what
woman having ten silver coins, if she loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep
the house, and search carefully until she finds it? When she has
found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, “Rejoice with
me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.
Found, again
I thank you for the damnedest things. And mean it.
I thank you, O Lord, for all the things in my life that have made me a moody
soul. I thank thee for all the people who have hurt me and forced me to feel my
heart deeply. Thank you for the struggles and disappointments that sometimes make
me sad and depressed.
you for all of it. If I didn’t feel these things as I do, I would have sought
you with less energy and resolve. I would have been content with average, with
good enough. I would not have plumbed the depths of my soul to feel my need,
and I would have missed the ecstasy and elation of knowing you, the Love who finds me in spite
of myself.
are Seeking Love, I proclaim again and again, always believing it is true,
always aching to be found.
there is today, this very day when, amid the quagmire of emotion, you find me
once more, and I thank you for who I am, for what this life has made of me, for
all it—the good, the bad and the painful, for successes and failures, for rejections
as well as the appreciation that have greeted me on the journey.
find me in my darkness and tell me, again, that it is for a holy purpose, for
the sharing of a very great love that you have made me as I am—weak,
vulnerable, needy, attuning my senses to every expression of the Love you are, the
Love who finds me, again and again.
Thank you for being who you are … that I may be who I am. Yours.
Thank you for being who you are … that I may be who I am. Yours.
Pr. David L. Miller