I shall ask the Father,
and he will give you another Paraclete to be with you for ever, the
Spirit of truth whom the world can never accept since it neither sees nor knows
him; but you know him, because he is with you, he is in you.
Too often we look at Jesus and see the immense gulf that
separates from him. He seems so unreal, so unworldly, or so we make him in our
But when he says he and the Father are one, he is speaking
not only of his life but ours, especially when he promises to send the Spirit,
the Paraclete/Helper who will abide is us, filling us with … the same thing
that filled him--awareness of the immense love that is the Father.
The Spirit comes, abides within to bring intimate union with
God and the power that comes from knowing who we are: bearers of the eternal
mystery, just like Jesus, our brother.
The difference between him and us, I suppose, is that he
allowed his heart and mind to continually abide in the mystery of that identity.
Therefore, he spoke and acted--in every moment--from the depth of his union
with the Father.
We act and speak so often moved by our fears and experience
of feeling threatened, anxious and wounded. No way to live, it’s not life at
Life is to know what Jesus knew, the Abiding Spirit of God
in-dwelling the heart and mind, giving trust and peace, allowing the full power
in our being to pour out unhindered, and relishing the beauty of life and
living as God intends.
We are not as different from him as we think. The Spirit
that was in him is in us, so hindered and buried beneath the anxious drivenness
of each day. It waits for us to stop and listen, clear away the noise and pay
attention to life within us that wants to live … or shall I say to come out and
play in the beauty of the day?
Pr. David L. Miller