Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today’s text

Psalm 8:1-5

Yahweh our Lord,how majestic is your name throughout the world!
Whoever keeps singing of your majesty higher than the heavens,even through the mouths of children, or of babes in arms,you make him a fortress, firm against your foes,to subdue the enemy and the rebel.I look up at your heavens, shaped by your fingers,at the moon and the stars you set firm -what are human beings that you spare a thought for them,or the child of Adam that you care for him?
Yet you have made him little less than a god,you have crowned him with glory and beauty ….'


Joy is our strength,
the joy of praising you,
Yahweh, of waking to
morning’s light, knowing
the breath of life in my lungs is
your first gift to me,
breath whose first purpose
is to praise you, Maker of life,
Craftsman of air.

For you employ your power
to craft creation, clearing a
broad and open space
that life--and me--
may be, that being and joy may
pour into the great emptiness where
nothingness ruled, where crimson
sunsets did not spread the sky, speaking
with ancient voice that life is
your purpose,
your way,
your call,
your all.

Your way fills me with
each daybreak breath, and
praise arises from that
depth of heart that hears
the word
the silent air cries:
I am life and the life
in you is me.

Pr. David L. Miller

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

Today’s text

Psalm 8:1-5

Yahweh our Lord,how majestic is your name throughout the world!

Whoever keeps singing of your majesty higher than the heavens,even through the mouths of children, or of babes in arms,you make him a fortress, firm against your foes, to subdue the enemy and the rebel.

I look up at your heavens, shaped by your fingers,at the moon and the stars you set firm -what are human beings that you spare a thought for them, or the child of Adam that you care for him?

Yet you have made him little less than a god, you have crowned him with glory and beauty ….


What are we that you should think of us?
What in our tiny lives draws you?

Wrong question. The right one:
Who are you, Loving Mystery,
that you attend to us?
What is it about you
that you care?

I am amazed and moved that you,
Holy Secret, should know me, and more
that you love me. You
whose hands imprison the stars,
whose heart is warm as life,
whose reach stretches beyond the galaxies,
who is as unknowable to me as I
am to the intricate orange ladybug
that flies from my finger to the music
of Ben’s little boy giggles.

Just so, you delight in me, and
for that moment, I get it. I
become the love you are,
the crowning glory of being
human, sharing your beauty,
knowing you.

Pr. David L. Miller