Mark 1:14-18
Now after John was
arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying,
‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and
believe in the good news.’ As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he
saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake—for they were
fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for
people.’ And immediately they left their nets and followed him.
Come, know me
Restore to me the excitement and joy of hearing your call, for it is a
call to be with you, and there is no
place I would rather be.
I want to be with you, to hear your voice, to listen to your heart, to
watch what you do … and to learn to do and be what you are--beloved, child of
God, always knowing the love who is Love in the depths of my being.
My heart leaps at the
sound of your voice … and when I hear you name, even in early morning hours
when my head is not yet clear, and I come to this quiet place to find you again.
I don’t really come here to find you. I come here to find me, but there is no
place I am truly me except in your presence and in the circle of your love.
So I say your name … Jesus, and I know you here with me, your
heart to welcome me near once again so I can just simply be.
I don’t really want
anything special from you. I just want to be with you, for when I know your
nearness … you and are you and I am me and that is all that really matters, at
least in that moment.
There is always work
to be done, people to care for, papers to push, letters to write, decisions and
calls to be made. Of this, there is never an ending; it will go on long after I
am gone from this earth.
But this is not life.
Life is you, knowing you, entering the circle of grace you are … and just being
with you. So, I come here once more because here, more than almost anywhere, I know
your presence and welcome. And that is enough for me.
You call me here, don’t
you, even as you called fisherman from their boats? The invitation now, as then,
is simple, “Come, know me.”
Yes, you teach us to
fish for people, to invite and welcome others into this circle where you are
known and adored. But first comes the knowing … and that is sweetest of all. It
calms and fills the heart with a gentle, patient love … and passion … that
moves us to love and welcome others in this circle of knowing where life is transformed.
Some are puzzled why
the fisherman immediately left their boats to follow you, but not me. They
wanted to know you. It’s that simple.
Pr. David L. Miller