Saturday, October 01, 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

John 1:16

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.


We are not called to be normal. Average is not our code. Extravagant love simmers in our depths awaiting moments when it can flash out and shine in eyes and smiles that beggar every description.

We are children of extravagance, invited always to love beyond reason, to forgive when grudges are easier, to give from the heart beyond all measure.

For the there is no measure that can contain the Love who fills us. The heart may falter for a moment; anxieties and angers may for a time obscure our deepest truth.

But even then … Love remains. The Holy Fire still burns, the soul’s silent pilot, waiting its time to flame out, to burst into in fullness, warming every troubled place in the heart with awareness that all is well for the Love Who Is … is ever present.

Love is our true name; we are made in Love’s image. And Love comes to sweep us into who we are, filling us with You, the Presence who is always there. Always.

Our lives are a cradle where Christ lives, deep within, seeking to be born again and again, that he may shine, the Love he is filling and overflowing the heart.

How does it happen? I do not know. I know only that Love’s Fire needs space to breathe and speak, to feel and bask in the Extraordinary Wonder you are Holy One.

And in such moments, we truly know ourselves, knowing, too, that to share this knowing is the joy for which we were made.

Pr. David L. Miller