Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

Today’s text

3 John 1:15

“Peace to you. The friends send you their greetings. Greet the friends there, each by name.”


We are to each other what you are to us, friend. Captured in the encompassing embrace of your all-possessing love, we are yours, sharing in your eternal triune joy, basking in the delight that is your good pleasure to shower upon your beloved, upon me.

You are dearest and truest Friend, revealing and pouring out your love in our brother Jesus. You show us your joy, your divine hunger that we should know you full, the length and breadth, height and depth of all you are, and you are love, top to bottom, now and tomorrow, uncreated and unceasing, unimaginable wonder.

Your friendship joins us with all you embrace in your impossible immensity. Joined, we are, with those we know well or not all, those sitting beside us or a world away in places we shall never see, those dear and those we prefer to avoid.

You join us in your holy friendship where we taste and enjoy you in every shared smile or burden, every common kindness, every knowing glace, in common work and hope. All of it a sacrament of holy friendship in which we know, finally, the Loving Mystery we have always wanted. You.

So let us greet and care for each other, whether near or far, sharing in your divine friendship, knowing you in the sacrament of common words, work and life, speaking that truth you hunger for us to share, “Peace.” Amen.

Pr. David L. Miller

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Today’s text

3 John 1:14-15

“I hope to see you again soon, and we will talk face to face. Peace to you. The friends send you their greetings. Greet the friends there, each by name.”


We say to each other what you say and are to us, “Peace.” You, Loving Mystery, are the most gracious of hospitalities. You force no one to love or acknowledge you but offer unceasing welcome into your blessed nearness. Through your flesh, the body of our brother Jesus, you never tire of inviting us to abide, rest and find home in you.

Peace is your word to us, spoken by our resurrected Christ to frightened souls hiding behind closed doors lest they, too, meet their end in the executioner’s art. Since that moment, you continuously speak this most welcome word through all eternity

‘Peace, I am your home, your place of arrival amid arid wanderings where you find no water. Come, quench your thirst.

‘Peace, I am the place of eternal welcome where your restless wanderings may cease.

‘Peace, I am the home you have always wanted, the smile you seek in every face, the laughter that does not end, the answer to the nagging question your confused heart does not know how to ask.

‘I am your peace; there is no other.’

And there is no other who can speak the promise of peace that death cannot still and life cannot kill.

Blessed are you, Holy One, for you are our peace. May your peace be our first word to each other as meet face to face. Amen.

Pr. David L. Miller

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Today’s text

3 John 1:13-14

“I have much to write to you, but I would rather not write with pen and ink; instead I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.”


Safe within my cell, I write these words to you, Great Mystery. Playful music dances in thin air, a wordless prayer for you to come into this space to make words appear in my emptiness, words that will wing me into your nearness.

I like it here, alone, away from the feverishness of the day. All that matters is listening and being true to what you give, or at least to what I perceive you want me to share. There are days I never want to leave this space. It is holy and quiet, and the music bears me into you where I taste again that which I love best.

But there is work to do, faces to meet, books to read, documents to craft, consolation to share with souls needier than mine. And you made me for this work. So I go, however reluctantly, from this quiet place into that tiny corner of creation on which you would have me pour the oil of care and gladness that souls might be healed.

I wish I were as eager to move from solitude into daily encounters as are those who serve you better than I can. But that it is not how you made me. Yet I pray, Loving One, let me bear the love I know here into my every encounter with your saints, your world. Move me again from blessed solitude to reveal to each face just how beloved they are to you.

Let me speak face to face that love I savor in this silence that I might be true to the words that appear in my emptiness. Amen.

Pr. David L. Miller

Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

Today’s text

3 John 1:13-14

“I have much to write to you, but I would rather not write with pen and ink; instead I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face.”


Arrivals and departures mark our days, Eternal One. Beloved friends and family move far to fresh places and chapters. Others come into our days, or they return from time away. We hope to know them still, and that they will know us, too, in the comfortable ways we once shared.

Every coming and going emblazons a bittersweet truth in my soul, as If I had to learn it anew. Nothing is forever. I know it all too well; must life or you keep reminding me, Ancient One?

The goodness I now know, the faces and laughter, the gentle moments with beloved will not endure. Nor will I. And my efforts to share the depth of my heart with those you have given me fail miserably and often. Face to face, I would speak the love I have known in them and the love in which I treasure each one, words too often unspoken or poorly so.

Help me, dearest One, to speak the love and wisdom you have given me to share, that the life I share with others may be life indeed, rich in the incarnation of your divine heart. May needed words be spoken that your joy and ours may be complete.

And remind me, too, that even my missed and failed opportunities are not lost in your eternity. You redeem every moment, joining each one with the dancing love of your life that even our bitterness might be kissed with your joy. Amen.

Pr. David L. Miller