Wednesday, June 12, 2019


 ‘You are the light of the world.’ (Matthew 5:14)


Let my heart be light today, whatever comes, whatever happens. Let the light of the Love you have privileged me to know and feel shine in every room, on every face, in every moment today.

Let me not lose myself, fearfully forgetting who I am and everything you have given me in a lifetime more surprising than any I could have conceived for myself.

Let me live in the warmth of the smile that fills your face and sparkles in your eyes, as you tell me who I am, “You are the light of the world.”

The joy in your eyes beckons me to wake up and realize I am not empty or wanting. I hold a treasure, the Love that you are, the Love that shines in your face for me, for every human soul and all of creation.

This Love lives in me. This is who I am. And it is enough. It is always enough and always will be.

So I will look at the sun and the sky. My eyes will embrace the greening of the earth, flowers purple and red, lavender and pink, the trees finally full. I will savor the cardinal’s call and follow the flight of the heron that splits my vision as I gaze heavenward.

And somehow I will see your smile in all of it, and I will know everything I need to know … to smile.

Pr. David L. Miller

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