He was in the beginning with God. All things came
into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has
come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people.
Mid-morning. The sun hangs
low, making its weak winter trek across the southern horizon. White-gold
cirrus clouds diffuse the light. Tiny stars sparkle brilliant, purest white on frosted
brown stems of reeds and cattails in the marshy shallows of the pond.
A thin sheaf of ice coats
the pond, shimmering with light, revealing yet-green water lilies frozen beneath,
framed there, a portrait of winter’s art.
What is it saying? I
want to know, for it awakens an intuition of love within.
I want to hear, for it
is not the pond or the light but you who speak to my soul in this place. No, not
speak, but sing. Love is better sung than spoken. And here you sing your wintersong … that I may know.
Everything that is came
into being through you. All that is receives its ‘isness,’ its existence from
you. Everything reveals and expresses the character of your divine heart, a
heart of infinite generosity through which you give existence to that which
doesn’t exist.
And why? So that all
life may know the exhilaration of living, the glory of beauty, the sweet wonder
of loving. You bring life to be and give it to each of us that we may know
love, which is to say … you.
And here, again, at
this insignificant pond, I hear your wintersong, sung in sparkling frosty stars
on reeds frozen stiff in December’s cold.
But I am not. For I am
here … with you.
Pr. David L. Miller
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