Monday, May 14, 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Acts 17: 28

He is not far from each one of us. For “In him we live and move and have our being”….

Cardinals, too

A cardinal lights on a low branch of the bushes in front of the breezeway, seeking shelter from the rain under the dense, green canopy. I didn’t recognize him at first, my glasses being off as I read the morning paper.  But the distinctive spike at the back of his head soon gave him away.

A happy, noisy, red bird came to visit me again. That’s been happening a lot lately. They seem more plentiful this spring, and they never fail to bring a smile.

Today, he was in no hurry to leave. The rain kept him near, five feet at the most, and no fear at my presence distressed him as he waited out the drops, occasionally calling out, ‘tuu, tuu, tuuuu." I echoed his call with a breathy whistle which likely confused him. What could he possibly make of a 187 pound cardinal whose call sounds, well, a little sick?

Then, silent as he came, he flew off, leaving me a few degrees happier to have been visited by a colorful guest who shared shelter from the rain with me.

Gratuitous is the word that comes to mind. It was a little moment that is a gift, free, gratis; it just came without any effort from me, waking my smile and reminding me that I share this earth with wondrous creatures that delight my eye and gladden my heart.

Why should something so small and inconsequential in the great sweep of time change my day, lighten my heart and lift my vision toward greater expectations of the goodness of what life brings?

Maybe it starts with a simple faith, a fundamental trust in two things: first, that the wondrous Source of this universe is beneficent, generous beyond any and all expectations; and second that this mysterious Love is somehow present and sharing Love’s own substance in every moment.

In him we live and move and have our being. The One who is Love surrounds and inhabits us. Love is the substance of our being, of cardinals, too. 

Lovely when you are awaken enough to see it.

Pr. David L. Miller

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