Sunday, March 08, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

Psalm 31:14-16

But I trust in you, O Lord;
   I say, ‘You are my God.’ 
My times are in your hand;
   deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors. 
Let your face shine upon your servant;
   save me in your steadfast love.

Always, with hope

I saw Bette today, and I blessed her but not nearly as much as she blessed me.

She will soon pass into your arms, Loving Mystery. Blessing her was not hard, for she is dying the same way she has lived—with grace and great love for her family and friends.

She opens her arms to receive me, filled with loving gratitude for the beauty of life and the rich goodness of all she has received in her 87 years.

She knows what Jesus knew as he faced the end of his ministry—her days and years, moments and final hours rest … always … in the hands of grace immeasurable, love unspeakable, beauty indescribable.

We sing Amazing Grace and say the Lord’s Prayer, and she receives the blessed sacrament one more time. Marking her head with the sign of the cross, I remind her … one more time … that she is yours, Holy One … in life and death.

All is well, even here as she lies in the bed from which she will soon pass into your arms. She knows your loving face has shined on her even in her most difficult moments and years … and always will.

The grace she has received fills her with grace even now.

Blessed are your saints, Loving God. They teach us how to live--always with hope, knowing … our times are in the hands of a Love greater than we know.

Pr. David L. Miller

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