Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Today’s text

Psalm 25: 5-6

Lead me in your truth, and teach me,
   for you are the God of my salvation;
   for you I wait all day long.
Be mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and of your steadfast love,
   for they have been from of old. 

Morning praise

A long way I have traveled,
not only in miles and years
but in emotion and truth.

Love and fear,
hope and despair,
ecstasy and bitter
disappointment. I
have known them all,
sometimes on the same day.

I have breathed rare air
of giddy joy, beyond
any my younger soul
I thought this was life
in truest form,
hoping for more,
thinking something was
wrong with the world
or me when, disappointed,
I fell from the heights.

Moments, wondrous moments,
Which I savor and to which
memory and heart cling,
thankful for what I
have known, learned, felt,
filling me with the beauty
and gratitude.

Each ascent to heights of
of human joy occasions
its own unique fall. Each
fall is more gracious still;
an awful grace it is, never
without pain, but grace
it is still … because
I fall into you,
the Mystery who is Love,
steadfast and sure.

Every road, every mile,
every height and fall,
every hope that fails,
finally, takes me back
to you where I find myself
and know
that no matter my emotion
I was never really lost
and never will be.

Nothing is lost to your love;
everything finds it's place.

Pr.  David L. Miller

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