Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today’s text

John 10:28-30

I give them eternal life; they will never be lost and no one will ever steal them from my hand. The Father, for what he has given me, is greater than anyone, and no one can steal anything from the Father's hand. The Father and I are one. 


Eternal life is not far away. It is always close, but you can never give it to yourself--or get it by yourself. It is always something given, something that happens to you.

Another way to describe it is “Christ consciousness,” the experience of unity with the One from whom we all come. This is the epitome of human experience, the fulfillment of all that is most human and holy in us.

Mystics describe it variously, but their descriptions are often not better or much different from how the most articulate among us might describe the experience.

Recently, a friend described an experience of being dissolved in love. This is Christ consciousness, what other great mystical writers call contemplation.

Think about it. To be aware of being dissolved in love means--on one hand--that I continue to have the experience of being me, a self.

On the other hand, I am dissolved in a love, in a great sea of love. To be dissolved means there are no boundaries, no barriers between me and this great sea of love. I am part of the sea, one with the sea, dwelling in unity with this great Love.

Jesus said, “The Father and I are one.” He knew this oneness. More, he lived this oneness, dwelling in boundary-less unity with the Infinite Sea of Love he called, “Father.”

Jesus words and actions were so expressive of this reality that they drew others into this awareness, into his consciousness, the awareness of oneness with the Loving Mystery who is greater than all.

Eternal life is to dwell in oneness with Christ in this Infinite Sea of Love, being one with Love Itself. The experience abolishes all fear and brings peace and assurance to the soul.

In this life, our experiences of Christ consciousness are fleeting. But in those moments we taste eternity, we experience reality, and we know all we are is encompassed--and will be dissolved--in Love.

Pr. David L. Miller

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