Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

 Today’s text

Philippians 2:5-7

Make your own the mind of Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, did not count equality with God something to be grasped. But he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming as human beings are; and being in every way like a human being.


Walking a labyrinth has been a regular spiritual practice for me this Lent. A long, challenging day yesterday moved my feet to the room where the labyrinth is spread out, so that I might walk and shed the weight of care that hung on my shoulders.

The labyrinth removes the need to make decisions. The path is a single line. You walk where it goes, turning where it turns, letting it lead you around many bends to the center where you rest and perhaps pray, attending to whatever you noticed inside yourself as you made the journey.

Listening is the primary mode of being as you walk, listening to what is in you, to the voices that are there, and speaking, releasing those feelings and thoughts, even out  loud as you go … if there is no one else there to overhear your secrets.

The voice you hear within is deeper than your conscious voice. It comes from deeper within. Sometimes you hear a voice beyond your own, the Voice of the Spirit within your spirit, telling you what you need to hear.

Yesterday, the voice came early in the walk. “Pour it all out,” it repeated. “Pour it out.”

Pour out the sorrow you bear and the frustration of being unable to do much to help or relieve it.

Pour out your tears and bottled emotions. Release them into me, the voice said. Pour them into mystery of the love of the One who surrounded my walk.

Pour out every hope and fear you have. This is a holy place where everything you are and feel is welcome, known and cherished. Name everything that is on your soul.

Pour out the confusion about what life is, what you should do, about whether you even know yourself or your own needs. It doesn’t matter, the voice said. I know.

Pour yourself out. Leave nothing unsaid. Hold nothing back. You are known and welcomed here. My hand is raised over you in blessing, total blessing. That hand and the peace that floods you tell you who I am, so that you know.

Pour out all that is in you, the beauty, the love, the skill and knowledge.

Pour it all out. Hold back nothing. Give it all away in utter confidence and total joy, for this is your joy. This is your peace. This is your purpose.

This is the way, the way of the Christ, and it is way that souls become free and large enough to love as I love.

Pr. David L. Miller

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