Thursday, July 20, 2023

 Enter my joy

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28-29)
What do we hear in Jesus’ voice as he speaks these words? What is his expression as he beckons us to come near that we might find rest for our souls? This moment, like so many in the gospels, invites imagination.
Most often, I suspect we hear gentleness in his voice and see compassion on his face. And why not? I know of no one who has not needed a safe place to fall, a gentle presence in which to collapse when life is hard, death is near and the heart weary and worn.
Entering the heart of the One who bids me to come to him is about the best reason I know to pray my life, to speak what my heart feels, trusting his heart is eager to hear and envelop my joys and sorrows in the ocean of love he is. Silent joy often comes when words are done, and the heart sinks into his presence.
But there is another way to see and receive the gift in Jesus’ words. His invitation to lay the weight of our lives at his feet follows a moment of exuberant joy as he looks at the humble poor, the open hearts and eager souls who hang on his words, feeling their spirits take flight as divine love embraces their lives and fills their hearts.
Happiness glistens in his eyes, and laughter plays across his lips as he sees the reign of God, the gracious will of the Holy Mystery, coming to life in the lives of those who little imagined God would choose to live in them.
Filled with gratitude, his invitation spills across the centuries, the generous overflow of a happy heart eager for us to know what he knows, feel what he feels and be filled with the loving joy of the One who fills him.

David L. Miller

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