Saturday, January 22, 2022

Crazy like Jesus

The crowd came together again, so that they could not even eat. When his family heard it, they went out to restrain him, for people were saying, ‘He has gone out of his mind.’ (Mark 3:2-21)

From one point of view, not much has changed. The figure of Jesus—his words, his example, the life he lived and into which invites others—presents a choice that is no different now than 20 centuries ago.

On one hand, there were those who clamored near to see what he’d do next. The evidence suggests he did some amazing things. People got healed and released from a variety of maladies, physical and emotional, in his presence. They also heard a message that the poorest, weakest and worst among them were at least as valued, important and loved as celebrities and those who occupy executive suites.

Any real American will tell you this is at least a little crazy.

So it is no surprise that many in his own time thought Jesus engaged in trickery, sorcery, and delusion, suggesting he was off his rocker, perhaps a megalomaniac who was a danger to himself, to society and to anyone who got too close to him.

They were right, of course, not about the megalomania, but certainly about being a danger to himself and others, as history and the experience of many millions well prove.

Consider. He had power. He acted with authority. He spoke as if the life of God worked though him. And he was certain this power was not for personal comfort, protection or glory but for the healing of broken bodies and hearts—even if that should cost him dearly, which it did.

Jesus’ family apparently wanted to save him from this madness by taking him home and ending this silly mission he called the kingdom of God, this community defined by the mutuality of love not the accumulation of power.

Some ... most, I suppose, believe or live like this is just as crazy as when Jesus suggested this is what God always had mind for us.

But what most impresses me, after nearly 70 years of life, is that the people I most admire, the souls who have made the biggest impact on my soul, the faces who bring tears of gratitude to my eyes are exactly those who were crazy like Jesus.

David L. Miller






1 comment:

Unknown said...

I appreciate your words, friend.