Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Heaven’s gate


Jesus said to him, “Very truly, I tell you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” (John 1:51)

It was here all along, this balcony, early morning before the sun is high, its rays filtered through the locust as the martins play above. It’s here, the gate of heaven.

For here, at least today, is where I meet you as tears of recognition silently tell me it is you, and you are as pleased to be with me as I with you.

But it is not this place, blessed as it is, but you who are the gate of heaven.

Here, with you, heaven opens, and an incomparable mercy descends from an infinite realm asking nothing except to be here, in this moment, as eternity fills temporal time and the distance between heaven and earth dissolves.

Stay close, Jesus told his first disciples, I suspect, with sly smile tugging at his lips, knowing how much he had to share and how greatly he longed to share it.

They followed for the same reason as the rest of us, hoping to catch a glimpse of the heaven that opens when your heart knows him near.

There is no better healing.

David L. Miller

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