Tuesday, December 31, 2019

As the year turns, see

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)\

Seeing him

Yes, we have seen glory, the glory of a Love of supernal proportions, and we dare believe this Love is our truest identity, our surest companion and the final destination of our being.

Jesus, the Christ, is the eternal Word God speaks that we may know the grace of the Everlasting Love who is forever for us.

He touched and healed, welcomed and blessed, bled and died, enduring human perplexity and hardness from friend and foe alike, forgiving their worst and inviting their best.

Seeing him enchants the heart, hungry as we are to know a Love beyond all others, a Love that frees from the fears that keep us from sharing the hope and hurt, love and joy hiding beneath the carefully curated faces we show the world.

Seeing him excites desire to know more, feel more, love more and crowd closer to his heart, for there we know we are safe. We know a truth that doesn’t change as the calendar page turns.

He is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

So we offer our New Year prayer to see him more clearly, love him more dearly and follow him more nearly in the year to come. It is this we most need, lest our souls grow cold in this world so desperately needing the warmth of his divine heart … and ours.

And we look for him in the faces of friends and strangers, hoping to see to see some reflection of the Love he is, needing to be reminded that he walks with us even when we are least aware of his nearness.

Seeing him awakens our love for the Love who is our hope every day … and especially as the years turn.

Pr. David L. Miller

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