Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday, June 25, 2018

Mark 1:14-15

Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.’ 


Do you know what kind of world this is? Can you believe that today is extraordinary? Can you go beyond the mind you have and truly see the wonder into which you woke this morning?

Despite the bitter divides of the political realm, despite the dying and struggling that goes on in every land, place and family, despite the injustice and denial of mercy that wounds millions ... even helpless children longing for shelter, this is a world in which the kingdom of God is present.

Many things seem to contradict such faith, but the energy of God’s love is here and now.

You see and feel it in every act of grace, every small mercy and every impulse to care and love. You know it every moment your heart with gratitude yearns to cry aloud, “thank you!” Thank you for the sacred gift of life that animates our bodies and for every glimpse of light and color that delights our senses.

The anger and bitterness that poisons so much of our public and political life fixates our minds on the ugliness of the times, poisoning our souls, hardening our hearts.

From this Jesus graciously calls us to repent, that is to go beyond your present mind to a new mind, a new way of seeing, a way that must be re-claimed each new day. Look beyond what divides. Look beyond the bitterness of the news. Look beyond all that fixates the mind on what is small, petty and divisive.

Look into your own heart and see the hunger for love and beauty. Look at the beauty of flower and hear the laughter of children when they are really being children, unperturbed by all that preoccupies their elders. Look and see where beauty lies and what is graceful and good. Look and see.

You live in a world where the kingdom of God, the living presence of the Love, is alive and well. Look and see. Believe the good news.

Pr. David L. Miller

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