Thursday, August 06, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

John 6:48

I am the bread of life.

I am

I am. The words echo across centuries and resonate in my heart. I am.

It is an ancient name, the name Moses heard in his heart when the Holy One spoke on the mountain. I am.

I am Life. I am Being. I am the Source and Power that brings to be all that is. I am the breath and spark of Life that gives life to all that lives.

I am … always, forever, from before the beginning of time. I am that which always was and always will be.

I am beyond your capacity to know or understand. I am the One who is … wherever you go, whatever happens. I am … already, now, waiting for you in every future.

There is no where you will go where I am not. You live … every moment of your existence … in my presence, for I am.

And I am love, unfailing generosity, for the Life I am I give away, sharing the Life I am with all that has life and being; all that exists … exists because I am.

I am … the bread of life, Jesus says, and with this identifies himself as the bearer of the life who is Life, the love who is Love, the Holy Mystery, the great I Am who is and always will be.

I am the bread of life, the Love the soul requires truly to live with joy, knowing … always, that Love is the substance of our souls, Love is the Origin of our lives, Love is the Presence who never lets go, Love is the destiny to which we go.

Love is the environment in which we live no matter where we are or how far we wander, no matter what happens to us; we live in the atmosphere of Love

For the great I Am is the Love Who Is … everywhere and every time in every moment. Unchanged and unchanging. Always. For you.

Pr. David L. Miller

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