Today’s text
1 John 3:11-14
“For this is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. We must not be like Cain who was from the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own deeds were evil and his brother’s righteous. … We know that we have passed from death to life because we love one another. Whoever does not love abides in death.”
We know life, your risen life, in the presence of love, your love, abiding in us. Love is the form of your presence in and among us, Holy Mystery. And we yearn to rest in you whose name is Risen Love Abiding--and abiding here with me.
We yearn because we know what it is to abide in death, Risen One. It is an altogether common experience. Death is dwelling in anxiety about who I am, how I look, how I am doing, how others perceive me. It is fear about today and preoccupied worry about tomorrow.
Death is dwelling in cynicism and disdain for others, their actions and motives. It is separation from all with whom we share common human vulnerability.
Death is dwelling apart from you, separate from your liberating nearness, Risen Restless Love. Death, I know too well, and I weary of its hateful face.
So I come again in these moments to rest my soul in the mystery of your loving nearness. Knowing you here, abiding in this love I have for you, I know again, all is well. And resurrection happens again. I pass from death to life, knowing the love you breathe and speak through this soul.
May I never weary of this endless passage from death to life through which you breathe the life of your love into my soul. Amen.
Pr. David L. Miller
Reflections on Scripture and the experience of God's presence in our common lives by David L. Miller, an Ignatian retreat director for the Christos Center for spiritual Formation, is the author of "Friendship with Jesus: A Way to Pray the Gospel of Mark" and hundreds of articles and devotions in a variety of publications. Contact him at
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